Weight : Male: 68 KG+ & Female: 57 KG+
Height: Male: 24-27 inches & Female:23-26 inches
Coat: Fine, short, and soft to the touch
Color: All shades of fawn, from a dark red fawn to a light fawn. A rich coat color is considered desirable. Limited white patches are permissible on the chest and the extremities of the limbs
Litter Size: Avg. 8 pups
Life Span: Avg. 5-8 year
The Dogue de Bordeaux is an immensely powerful mastiff-type guardian. Males can go 27 inches high and 110 pounds. The short, eye-catching coat is a richly colored fawn. The massive head features a Bulldog-like undershot jaw, expressive eyes, and a deeply furrowed brow. It is, proportionately, the largest head in the canine kingdom. The body is stocky and close to the ground, but Dogues can move like lions when duty calls. DDBs of proper temperament are sweet and sensitive souls. Owners appreciate their breed's loyalty to loved ones of all ages, but also say DDBs can be stubborn and will dominate those who fail to apply firm training in puppyhood. When acquiring such a strapping super-dog, finding a responsible breeder is key.